Privacy Policy

Enacted on July 22, 2022


G.U. Technologies, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "G.U. Technologies") regards the protection of customers' personal information as an important management mission, and is committed to appropriately protecting and managing such information in accordance with this policy, thereby earning the trust of its customers. The meaning of terms used in this policy shall be as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"). The terms used in this policy shall be defined as follows.

1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, we will use the collected personal information of our customers to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use. In addition, we may provide your personal information to our group companies and partner companies, etc. to the extent necessary to achieve these purposes of use.

  1. To accept registrations and applications for products and services, to confirm identity, and to authenticate users
  2. To determine the appropriateness of providing products and services, to provide such products and services, and to manage ongoing transactions
  3. To provide various types of information and respond to inquiries regarding products and services
  4. To exercise rights and fulfill obligations based on contracts and laws, etc.
  5. To provide information on products and services by direct mail, e-mail, etc.
  6. To provide information on products and services of our group companies or partner companies, etc.
  7. To analyze customers' interests and preferences, etc., and to develop products and services that better meet customers' needs, and to provide notices and information, etc.
  8. To research and develop products and services
  9. To terminate a transaction with a customer or to manage the transaction after it has been terminated
  10. For other purposes incidental to the preceding items

2. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

We will not provide collected personal data to any third party except in the following cases

  1. When we have the consent of the person in question.
  2. When required by law.
  3. When we outsource the handling of personal data to an outside business operator to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use listed in "1. In this case, the Company will establish appropriate standards and strictly select the outsourcing company, conclude an outsourcing contract, and appropriately supervise the outsourcing company to prevent use of personal data for other purposes or leakage, etc. of personal data.
  4. When personal data is shared with a specific third party in accordance with "3.
  5. When the provision of personal data is otherwise permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law.

3. Sharing of Personal Data

As of July 22, 2022, there is no joint use of personal data.

4.Personal Data Security Control Measures

We will endeavor to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date. We will also take appropriate measures to prevent loss, leakage, or damage of personal data and for other security control measures, and review them as necessary. For details of the security control measures taken by the Company, please contact the contact listed in Section 5.

5. Response to complaints, etc., regarding the handling of retained personal data

When we receive a complaint regarding the handling of retained personal data, we will investigate the nature of the complaint and make every effort to handle it appropriately and promptly within a reasonable period of time. Complaints and other inquiries from customers regarding the handling of personal data are accepted at the following contact point.

Personal Information Inquiry Desk Complaints and Inquiries Section Email:

6. Request for Disclosure, Correction, etc., Suspension of Use, etc., of Retained Personal Data, etc.

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, we accept requests for disclosure, correction, etc., and discontinuance of use, etc., of personal data, etc. held by us about our customers after confirming the identity of the customer. If you wish to request disclosure, correction, etc. or discontinuance of use of retained personal data, etc., please contact us as follows.

Personal Information Inquiry Contact: In Charge of Requests Email: